A Journey to Molecular Excitonic World
Dongho Kim
A Special Seminar (East China University of Science and Technology)
Institute of Fine Chemicals, East China University of Science and Technology (Shanghai, China)
January 15. 2020.
Tracking Structural Evolution in Charge Separation Processes with Time-Resolved Impulsive Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy
Dongho Kim
The 11th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (ACUP 2020)
State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University (Shanghai, China)
January 12-15. 2020.
Tracking Structural Evolution in Charge Separation Processes with Time-Resolved Impulsive Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy
Dongho Kim
The 24th Raman Workshop (Nanophotonics and Nanospectroscopy)
Applied Spectroscopy Laboratory (Kangwon National University), Chung-Ang University 102 building (Seoul, Korea)
November 29. 2019.
Exciton Dynamics in Nanostructured Systems Probed by Ensemble and Single-Molecule Spectroscopy
Dongho Kim
NPG Asia Materials Symposium 2019
NPG Asia Materials, Springer Nature, BEST IT Institute, Center for Strained Engineered Electronic Devices (Seoul, Korea) October 15. 2019.
A Journey to Molecular Excitonic World
Dongho Kim
경상대학교 화학과 세미나
경상대학교 화학과 (Korea) October 9. 2019.
Optical Characterization of Various InP & Perovskite QDs by Single-dot and Ensemble Spectroscopy
Dongho Kim
2019년 QD & PV 연구회 하반기 Workshop
(사) 한국정보디스플레이학회, QD & PV 연구회 (Seoul, Korea) September 27. 2019.
A Journey to Molecular Excitonic World
Dongho Kim
The Japanese Photochemistry Association (JPA) Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2019
The Japanese Photochemistry Association (Nagoya, Japan) September 11. 2019.
A Journey to Molecular Excitonic World
Dongho Kim
Kyoto University Seminar
Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan) September 9. 2019.
Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Excited-State Aromaticity: Capturing Electronic Structures and Conformations upon Aromaticity Reversal
Dongho Kim
International Conference on Excited State Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity (ICESAA 2019)
Swedish Research Council (Sigtuna, Sweden) August 2. 2019.
Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Excited-State Aromaticity: Capturing Electronic Structures and Conformations upon Aromaticity Reversal
Dongho Kim
The 29th International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP 2019)
University of Colorado Boulder, 2019 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI) (CO, United States) July 25. 2019.
Coherent Exciton Coupling Dynamics in Various Molecular Dimers and Assemblies
Dongho Kim
Gordon Research Conference Photochemistry 2019
Gordon Research Conferences, Stonehill College (MA, United States) July 15. 2019.
A Journey to Molecular Excitonic World
Dongho Kim
Kyushu University Conference
Kyushu University (Kitakyushu city, Japan) July 12. 2019.
Ultrafast Structural Dynamics in Various π-Conjugated Molecular Systems Probed by Time-Resolved Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopy
Dongho Kim
The 10th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy
The University of Auckland (Auckland city, New Zealand) July 10. 2019.
Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Excited-State Aromaticity: Capturing Electronic Structures and Conformations upon Aromaticity Reversal
Dongho Kim
The 5th International Conference on Ultrafast Structural Dynamics (ICUSD 2019)
KAIST and IBS (Daejeon, Korea) June 27. 2019.
Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Excited-State Aromaticity: Capturing Electronic Structures and Conformations upon Aromaticity Reversal
Dongho Kim
International Seoul Symposium on Exotic Porphyrinoids and Related System (ISSEPR 2019)
Kangwon National University, Hotel President (Seoul, Korea) June 24. 2019.
Dongho Kim
The 23rd Raman Workshop (Nanophotonics and Nanospectroscopy
HORIBA KOREA (Anyang, Korea) June 14. 2019.
Hückel, Möbius, Baird and 3-Dimensional Aromaticity in Various Expanded Porphyrins
Dongho Kim
Jinan University Seminar
Jinan University (Guangzhou, China) April 26. 2019.
A Journey to Molecular Excitonic World
Dongho Kim
Sun Yat-Sen University Jean-Marie Lehn Institute Seminar
Sun Yat-Sen University Jean-Marie Lehn Institute, Sun Yat-Sen University (Guangzhou, China) April 25. 2019.
Dongho Kim
대한화학회 제123회 학술발표회
대한화학회, 수원컨벤션센터 (Suwon, Korea) April 17-19. 2019.
Dongho Kim
제129차 대한화학회 물리화학분과회 심포지엄
대한화학회 물리화학분과회, 광주과학기술원 (Gwangju, Korea) Feb 22. 2019.
Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Excited-State Aromaticity: Capturing Electronic Structures and Conformations upon Aromaticity Reversal
Dongho Kim
10th Asian Photochemistry Conference
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan) Dec 17. 2018.
Dongho Kim
The 26th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS2018)
Korean Chemical Society, The Korean Biochip Society (Jeju, Korea) Aug 26-31. 2018.
Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Excited-state Aromaticity: Capturing Electronic Structures and Conformations upon Aromaticity Reversal
Dongho Kim
2018 Asian Workshop on Frontiers of Porphyrins and Phthylocyanines
Chinese Chemical Society, Jiangsu University, Beijing University of Science and Technology (Zhenjiang, China) Aug 24. 2018.
Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Excited-state Aromaticity: Capturing Electronic Structures and Conformations upon Aromaticity Reversal
Dongho Kim
Seminar on Porphyrinoid Chemsitry: Recent Progress and Future
Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Japan) July 21. 2018.
Ultrafast Coherent Exciton Dynamics in a Series of Cofacial Perylene Bisimide Stacks
Dongho Kim
Ultrafast Phenomena 2018
European Physical Society (Hamburg, Germany) July 20. 2018.
Spectroscopic diagnosis of excited-state aromaticity: Capturing electronic structures and conformations upon aromaticity reversal
Dongho Kim
27th IUPAC International Symposium on Photochemistry
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Dublin, Ireland) July 10. 2018.
Unravelling of Baird's Rule via Vibrational Analysis: Reversal of Aromaticity in the Excited-Singlet States
Dongho Kim
International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-10)
Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (Munich, Germany) July 6. 2018.
Spectroscopic diagnosis of excited-state aromaticity: Capturing electronic structures and conformations upon aromaticity reversal
Dongho Kim
The 9th International Conference on Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy (CMDS 2018)
IBS Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Korea University (Korea) June 28. 2018.
Ultrafast Coherent Exciton Dynamics in a Series of Cofacial Perylene Bisimide Stacks
Dongho Kim
Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS 2018)
Institute of Physics, CAS & Xidian University (China) May 30. 2018.
A Journey to Molecular Excitonic World
Dongho Kim
연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 화학과 세미나
연세대학교 원주캠퍼스 화학과 (Korea) May 3. 2018.
A Journey to Molecular Excitonic World
Dongho Kim
대한화학회 제121회(춘계) 총회 및 학술발표회
대한화학회 (Korea) April 20. 2018.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Various Functional Molecular Systems
Dongho Kim
한양대학교 화학과 세미나
한양대학교 화학과 (Korea) March 15. 2018.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Various Functional Molecular Systems
Dongho Kim
강원대학교 화학과 세미나
강원대학교 화학과 (Korea) March 8. 2018.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional pi-electronic system
Dongho Kim
Frontiers in Photochemistry Conference
Fusion Conferences (Cancun, Mexico) February 20. 2018.
Spectroscopic technical advice for development of various nanostructures and effective analysis
Dongho Kim
Research Discussion
삼성종합기술원 (Korea) February 9, 13, 27. 2018.
Ultrafast Coherent Exciton Dynamics in a Series of Cofacially Stacked Perylene Bisimides
Dongho Kim
10th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (ACUP 2018)
The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) January 8. 2018.
Dongho Kim
Professor Xia's group 초청 학술 토론
Xiamen University (China) December 6. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional π-Electronic Systems
Dongho Kim
The 19th Chinese Conference on Light Scattering
Kaifeng hotel of Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou, China) December 3. 2017.
Dongho Kim
제 125차 대한화학회 물리화학분과회 심포지엄 및 총회
충남대학교 (Korea) December 1. 2017.
Hückel, Möbius, Baird and 3-Dimensional Aromaticity in Various Expanded Porphyrins
Dongho Kim
Emanuel Vogel Lecture 2017
Cologne University (Cologne, Germany) November 28. 2017.
Suppressed Rashba couplings by recovery of inversion symmetry in mesoscale APbBr3 perovskite
Dongho Kim
Perovskite Photonics Conference 2017
제주도 제주시 라마다프라자호텔 (Korea) November 20. 2017.
Hückel, Möbius, Baird and 3-Dimensional Aromaticity in Expanded Porphyrins
Dongho Kim
Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience (KJFP2017)
Inha University (Korea) October 28. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Various Functional π-Systems
Dongho Kim
National University of Singapore (NUS) Department of Chemistry Research Seminar
National University of Singapore (Singapore) October 9. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Various Functional π-Systems
Dongho Kim
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram (IISER-Thiruvananthapuram) Mini-Symposium on Spectroscopy
School of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram (India) October 7. 2017.
Control and Switching of Aromaticity in Various Expanded Porphyrins: Spectroscopic and Theroetical Analyses
Dongho Kim
International Conference on Spectroscopy of Bio-molecules and Advanced Materials (ICSBAM2017)
Christain College Chengannur (Kerala, India) October 5. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional π-Electronic Systems
Dongho Kim
고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 신소재화학과 세미나
고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 신소재화학과 (Korea) September 27. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional π-Electronic Systems
Dongho Kim
The 6th Asian Spectroscopy Conference (ASC2017)
National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan) September 3. 2017.
Ultrafast Coherent Exciton Dynamics in a Series of Cofacially Stacked Perylene Bisimides
Dongho Kim
13th Femtochemsitry Conference (FEMTO13)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Cancun, Mexico) August 15. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional Electronic Systems
Dongho Kim
19th US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC 2017)
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (Washington DC, USA) August 10. 2017.
Unravelling of Baird’s Rule via Vibrational Analysis: Reversal of Aromaticity in the Excited States
Dongho Kim
Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy (TRVS 2017)
Churchill College (Cambridge, UK) July 17. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional π-Electronic Systems
Dongho Kim
2017 Summer Symposium of Korean Chemical Society-Physical Chemistry Division and 2017 Korea-Japan Molecular Science Symposium
대한화학회 (Korea) July 10. 2017.
Unravelling of Baird’s Rule via Vibrational Analysis: Reversal of Hückel Aromaticity in the Excited Singlet and Triplet States of Hexaphyrins
Dongho Kim
9th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy
University of Victoria (Victoria, Canada) June 11. 2017.
Unravelling of Baird’s Rule via spectroscopic analysis: Reversal of Hückel aromaticity in the excited singlet and triplet states of hexaphyrins
Dongho Kim
The 1st Meeting Asian Workshop on Moleculr Spectroscopy
Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan) May 20. 2017.
Hückel, Möbius, Baird and 3-Dimensional Aromaticity in Expanded Porphyrins
Dongho Kim
제 37회 유기화학분과회 심포지엄 및 정기총회
대한화학회 유기화학분과회 (Korea) February 16. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional π-Electronic Systems
Dongho Kim
University of Houston 초청 세미나
University of Houston (Texas, United States) January 26. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional π-Electronic Systems
Dongho Kim
Peking University 초청세미나 (Xing Da lecture 514)
Peking University (Beijing, China) April 14. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional π-Electronic Systems
Dongho Kim
University of Texas at Dallas 초청 세미나
University of Texas at Dallas (Texas, United States) January 23. 2017.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional π-Electronic Systems
Dongho Kim
University of Texas at Austin 초청 세미나
University of Texas at Austin (Texas, United States) January 19. 2017.
Dynamic Exciton Localization/Delocalization Processes of pi-Expanded Linear and Cyclic Oligothiophenes
Dongho Kim
14th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (14th ICFPAM)
Daejeon Convention Center, Hannam University (Korea) October 31-November 04. 2016.
Characterization of π-Electron Localization/Delocalization Processes in Various Macrocyclic Molecules and Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
The XXV International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS2016)
Universidade Federal DO Ceará (Brazil) August 14-19. 2016.
Characterization of π-Electron Localization/Delocalization Processes in Various Macrocyclic Molecules and Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
The XXV International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS2016)
Universidade Federal DO Ceará (Brazil) August 14-19. 2016.
Characterization of π-Electron Localization/Delocalization Processes in Various Macrocyclic Molecules and Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
The XXV International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS2016)
Universidade Federal DO Ceará (Brazil) August 14-19. 2016.
Characterization of π-Electron Localization/ Delocalization Processes in Various Macrocyclic Molecules and Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC)
POSTECH, Korea University, Ewha Womans University (Korea) July 10-14. 2016.
펨토초 적외선 분광 연구실에서 진행 중인 공동 연구에 대해 논의
Dongho Kim
부산대 화학과 정기 세미나
Pusan National University (Korea) June 02. 2016.
Time-Resolved Spectroscopy and Single-Molecule Spectroscopy
Dongho Kim
10th Poland-Korea Joint Organic Chemistry Conference
Polish Academy of Science (Poland) May 08-14. 2016.
Aromaticity Reversal in the Excited-state of Various Expanded Porphyrinoids
Dongho Kim
Symposium of Functional Porphyrinoids
Kyoto University (Japan) April 09. 2016.
Characterization of Exciton Dynamics in Functional π-Electronic Systems
Dongho Kim
26th IUPAC International Symposium on Photochemistry
IUPAC, Osaka University (Japan) April 03-08. 2016.
Dongho Kim
Pre-Symposium of IUPAC Photochemistry 2016 in Hiroshima
Hiroshima University (Japan) April 01-02. 2016.
Photophysical Properties of Lead Halide Perovskite Structures: : Spatial & Temporal Approach
Dongho Kim
멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단 2핵심 워크숍
Global Frontier Center for Multiscale Energy System (Korea) January 19. 2016.
Ultrafast Coherent Exciton Dynamics in Helical pi-Stacks of Self-assembled Perylene Bisimides
Dongho Kim
9th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena
ACUP2016 (Philippines) Faburary 21-26. 2016.
Structure-property relationship of macrocyclic porphyrin arrays probed by single-molecule defocused wide-field imaging
Dongho Kim
2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2015)
The American Chemical Society (U.S.A) December 15-20. 2015.
Spectroscopic Evidence for Baird’s Rule: Janus-Faced Hexaphyrins
Dongho Kim
2015 Joint US-Korea NBIT-Taiwan Nanoscience Program Review and Technical Exchange
AFOSR/AOARD (U.S.A.) October 26-30. 2015.
Spectroscopic Evidence for Baird’s Rule: Janus-Faced Hexaphyrins
Dongho Kim
International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2015): Global Research Laboraatory -Nano Technology
IUMRS-ICAM 2015 Program Committee (Korea) October 25-29. 2015.
The Role of Electronic Coupling in Modulating the Photophysical Properties of Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
IBS Symposium: Molecular Imaging and Spectroscopy
IBS 기초과학연구원 (Korea) October 29. 2015.
Ultrafast Coherent Exciton Dynamics in Helical π-Stacks of Self-Assembled Perylene Bisimides
Dongho Kim
2015 The Korean Society of Photoscience
한국광과학회 (Korea) August 25. 2015.
Reversal of Hückel (Anti)Aromaticity in the Lowest Triplet-states of Hexaphyrins and Spectroscopic Evidence for Baird’s Rule
Dongho Kim
IUPAC-2015 45th World Chemistry Congress
대한화학회, IUPAC 조직위원회 (Korea) August 10. 2015.
Direct Observation of Ultrafast Coherent Exciton Dynamics in Helical π-Stacks of Self-Assembled Perylene Bisimides
Dongho Kim
POSTECH Satellite Meeting on “Chemistry & Light”
포항공대, Institute for Basic Science, Center for Self-assembly and Complexity (Korea) August 07. 2015.
Direct Observation of Ultrafast Coherent Exciton Dynamics in Helical π-Stacks of Self-Assembled Perylene Bisimides
Dongho Kim
Photochemistry Gordon Research Conference (Photochemistry for the Future: New Approaches, Innovations and Applications)
The Hamburg Center for Ultrafast Imaging (USA) July 19 - 24. 2015.
The Role of Electronic Coupling in Modulating the Photophysical Properties of Various Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
Photochemistry Gordon Research Conference (Photochemistry for the Future: New Approaches, Innovations and Applications)
The Hamburg Center for Ultrafast Imaging (USA) July 19 - 24. 2015.
Reversal of Hückel (Anti)Aromaticity in the Lowest Triplet-states of Hexaphyrins and Spectroscopic Evidence for Baird’s Rule
Dongho Kim
2015 Yonsei International Symposium (Time- and Space-resolved Spectroscopic Investigations on Various Molecular Systems)
BK21, ICONS (연세대학교) (Korea) July 04. 2015.
2015 Yonsei International Symposium (Time- and Space-resolved Spectroscopic Investigations on Various Molecular Systems)
Dongho Kim
Organizing committee
BK21, ICONS (연세대학교) (Korea) July 04 - 05. 2015.
The Role of Electronic Coupling in Modulating the Photophysical Properties of Various Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
27th International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP 2015)
The Korean Chemical Society, Korean Society of Photoscience (Korea) June 30. 2015.
27th International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP 2015)
Dongho Kim
The Korean Chemical Society, Korean Society of Photoscience (Korea) June 28 - July 03. 2015.
Reversal of Hückel (Anti)Aromaticity in the Lowest Triplet-states of Hexaphyrins and Spectroscopic Evidence for Baird’s Rule
Dongho Kim
The 11th Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience (KJFP 2015)
Korean Society of Photoscience (Korea) June 28. 2015.
The 16th Raman Workshop on Nanophotonics and Nanospectroscopy
Dongho Kim
Organizing Committee
기능성 파이전자 시스템 분광학 연구실 (연세대학교 화학과), 미래융합 연구원 (연세대학교) (Korea) May 08. 2015.
Spectroscopic Verification of Aromaticity Reversal in the Lowest Triplet State
Dongho Kim
교토대학교 초청강연
Kyoto University (Japan) April 30. 2015.
Dongho Kim
Commemoration Symposium for Prof. Fukuzumi's Retirement from Osaka Unisversity
Osaka University (Japan) April 29. 2015.
The Role of Electronic Coupling in Modulating the Photophysical Properties of Various Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
중앙대학교 화학과 초청 세미나
중앙대학교 화학과 (Korea) March 19. 2015.
Spectroscopic Evidence for Baird’s Rule: Reversal of Huckel Aromaticity in the Lowest Triplet-states of Hexaphyrins
Dongho Kim
2015 Yonsei International Symposium on Nano-Bio Molecular Assembly
연세대학교 (Korea) January 9. 2015.
Time and Space Resolved Spectroscopic Invesitgation
Dongho Kim
Organic Materials Chemistry 2014 Program Review
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (America) October 27 - 31. 2014.
Spectroscopic Evidence for Baird’s Rule: Reversal of Huckel Aromaticity in the Lowest Triplet-states of Hexaphyrins
Dongho Kim
Michinoku International Symposium on Pophyrins, Phthalocyanines and Functional pi Molecules
Tohoku University (Japan) October 13 - 16. 2014.
The Role of Electronic Coupling in Modulating the Photophysical Properties of Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
24th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy
Abbe Center of Photonics(Friedrich-Schiller-University) (Germany) August 10 - 15. 2014.
Comparative study of exciton delocalization in π-conjugated linear and cyclic oligothiophenes
Dongho Kim
XXVth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) (France) July 14. 2014.
Structure-Property Relationship of Oligophenylene Ethynylene-Tethered Spiral Perylene Bisimide Staircase Roldamers
Dongho Kim
Schulich Summer School (Science and Technology of Macrocyclic Metal Complexes)
Technion(Istrael Institute of Technology) (Israel) June 30. 2014.
Photophysical Properties of Porphyrinoids and Their Assemblies
Dongho Kim
International Conference On Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-8)
Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (Turkey) June 23. 2014.
The Degree of π-Conjugation in Various Molecular Systems
Dongho Kim
포항공대 학술 세미나
Pohang University of Science and Technology (Korea) May 23. 2014.
Exciton Localization and Delocalization in π-Conjugated Linear and Cyclic Oligothiophenes
Dongho Kim
2014 Yonsei International Symposium on Nano-Bio Molecular Assembly
Yonsei University (Korea) April 18. 2014.
Can We Determine The Molecular Structures by Using an Optical Microscope?
Dongho Kim
대한화학회 제 113회 총회 및 학술발표회
The Korean Chemical Society (Korea) April 16. 2014.
The Role of Electronic Coupling in Modulating The Photophysical Properties of Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
The 4th Asian Spectroscopy Conference
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) December 15 - 18. 2013.
Comparative Study of Exciton Delocalizationin π-Conjugated Linearand Cyclic Oligothiophenes
Dongho Kim
12th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (12th ICFPAM)
University of Auckland (New Zealand) December 8 - 13. 2013.
Excited-State Dynamics of Various Molecular Assemblies Probed by Ensemble and Single Molecule Spectroscopy
Dongho Kim
The 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience-2013
Korean Society of Photoscience (Korea) November 25 - 27. 2013.
Exciton Delocalization Processes of Various pi-Expanded Oligothiophenes
Dongho Kim
26th International Conference on Pohotochemistry
KU Leuven (Belgium) July 21 - 26. 2013.
The Role of Electronic Coupling in Modulating the photophysical Properties of Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Universität Würzburg (Universität Bayreuth, Germany) July 19. 2013.
The Role of Electronic Coupling in Modulating the photophysical Properties of Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Universität Würzburg (Universität Würzburg, Country) July 18. 2013.
The Role of Electronic Coupling in Modulating the photophysical Properties of Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Universität Würzburg (Erlangen-Nürnberg, Country) July 17. 2013.
Novel Strategy for Highly Efficient Zn2SnO4 (Zinc Stannate) Based Light Harvesting Device
Dongho Kim
The Second International Conference on Photocatalysis and Solar Energy Conversion: Development of Materials and Nanomaterials(PASEC-2)
Kyoto University (Japan) July 8 - 13. 2013.
The 13th Raman Workshop on Nanophotonics and Nanospectroscopy
Dongho Kim
Organizing Committee
기능성 파이전자 시스템 분광학 연구실 (연세대학교 화학과), 미래융합 연구원 (연세대학교) (Korea) May 08. 2015.
Photophysical Properties of Various Molecular Assemblies at Ensembles and Single Molecular Level
Dongho Kim
30th Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry Colloquium
Sendai (Japan) May 31 - June 1. 2013.
Exciton Delocalization Processes of Various p-Expanded Oligothiophenes
Dongho Kim
ⅩⅥth International Conference on Time-Resolvend Vibrational Spectroscopy (TRVS 2013)
RIKEN (Japan) May 19 - 24. 2013.
The Role of Electronic Couplings in Photophysical Properties of Various Molecular Assemblies
Dongho Kim
The 1st Symposium of the Institute for Basic Science in 2013
- (Korea) March 19 - 20. 2013.